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《 財閥家的小兒子 》延伸閱讀:
▶ 第1集劇情、推理分析、人物關係圖:這家有人是殺我的兇手( EP1 English)
▶ 第2集劇情、推理分析:我要找到成為家人的理由( EP2 English)
▶ 第3集劇情、推理分析:除非到終點,不然還不是結束( EP3 English)
▶ 第4集劇情、推理分析:我渴望的事物比這更加龐大( EP4 English)
▶ 第5集劇情、推理分析:導俊槓上陳養喆什麼才是正道經營?( EP5 English)
▶ 第6集劇情、推理分析:導俊心碎淚崩無法改變命運?( EP6 English)
▶ 第7集劇情、推理分析:背叛我的人,我絕不會原諒(EP7 English)
▶ 第8集劇情、推理分析:我最愛的孩子是誰難道你不知道嗎?
▶ 第9集劇情、5寓意解析:我連10塊都不會借給妳
▶ 第10集劇情、4寓意解析:只靠那五臟六腑是買不下順洋的
▶ 第11集劇情、解析:錢是世界上唯一完美的藝術品
▶ 第12集劇情、解析:我可是陳養喆,所有人都聽我的
▶ 第13集劇情、解析:世上有些事是不能為所欲為的
▶ 第14集劇情、解析:繼承財富的我,世襲貧窮的你
▶ 第15集劇情、解析:能改變世界的終究還是錢
▶ 結局第16集劇情、解析:有力量的人才能復仇
Reborn Rich Episode 2 Recap
In the first episode, Yoon Hyun-woo can’t believe that he becomes Jin Do-joon, and even the chronology comes to 1987/10/5. Lee Hae-in still needs to help out officially, but he is ridiculed by Son Jung-dae, Jin Hwa-young, and Yoo Ji-na, all of which are seen by Jin Do-joon. On the other hand, Jin Yang-chul was dissatisfied with the Japanese sushi chef that Jin Young-gi found to wrap the sushi should not have so many grains of rice, which would make the guests too full. The movie company is not able to make money but still brags about it.
Jin Do-joon found out that Jin Seong-joon was stealing some of his grandfather’s antiques, and Jin Seong-joon was scared by Jin Do-joon, so he was able to get the medal. The family will only believe Jin Seong-joon because he thinks he is the heir, but Jin Do-joon returns the favor and uses the evidence of Jin Seong-joon’s theft to prove his innocence. The first thing that happened to Jin Do-joon was that he found out that everything was happening according to what he knew, so Jin Do-joon suddenly thought that his mother should still be alive! When he saw his parents and brother at the snack bar, he couldn’t help but cry when he ate the soup and rice made by his mom and the OK bombs she gave him.
Lee Hae-in consoled Jin Do-joon in the evening. She used to feel that she was not a part of the world, but later she found a reason to be a family with those people, and that was her two sons, so she encouraged Jin Do-joon to find that reason in the future. The next day, Soon-Yo Technology is angry at the news that the U.S. and Japan are selling semiconductors at a low price. Jin Dong-ki thinks that it is time to put the semiconductor industry away to avoid expanding losses, while Jin Hwa-young urges her father to invest the election money now to benefit Soon-Yo’s future, which is also beneficial to Hwa-young’s husband’s future election to the legislature. At this time, Jin Do-joon came to apologize to Jin Yang-chul and said that he wanted to pay back the money of Baek-chul (worth 5 billion won), and suggested that Jin Yang-chul should bet his election money on the candidate “Roh Tae-woo” because Roh would become the president (but this person is the most unpopular person now, so no one believes it).
Jin Yang-chul asked Jin Do-joon why he was so sure of himself. Jin Do-joon said that the three people in the class would choose the president and the last person would win. Jin Yang-chul thinks it makes sense, but he still thinks Jin Do-joon is just using theories and speculations. Jin Yang-chul’s obsession with semiconductors is due to the union rebellion last year, which made him realize that he needs to rely on technology to do business in the future.
In the evening, Jin Do-joon reads an economic magazine and realizes that his grandfather is talking about the semiconductor incident, and when Jin Do-joon tries to find Jin Yang-chul, he finds out that his grandfather is on a business trip and the return flight is the one that will be involved in a plane crash. The two of them are the first to be released from the market. After a false alarm, Jin Yang-chul suddenly returns home early, saying that he has a trip to Seoul and that he is going to buy out Young-jin’s semi-conductor in order not to get caught in the pond and to raise the small fish into a big whale. After Roh Tae-woo was elected president, Jin Yang-chul immediately asked Roh Tae-woo to give him the exclusive use of the semiconductor industry.
The reason why Jin Yang-chul started to doubt Jin Do-joon is because there are too many future events that were predicted, especially the 828 air disaster. -Jin Yang-chul was going to give Jin Do-joon a bonus, but Jin Do-joon said he wanted land as a reward, and chose a piece of deserted land to puzzle Jin Yang-chul. He is not only a good person, but also a good person.
Reborn Rich Episode 2 Review

First of all, Yoon Hyun-woo became Jin Do-joon on 1987/10/5, the day Yoon Hyun-woo told Jin Seong-joon that he broke the porcelain in the first episode, and with Jin Do-joon’s perspective in the family, several details of the family can be seen in the birthday party.
- Lee Hae-in does not fit in the family, unlike Yoo Ji-na and Son Jung-dae who are so happy with their mother-in-law, and both Yoo Ji-na and Son Jung-dae treat Lee Hae-in almost like air. In the first episode, when Lee Hae-in came to Jin Young-gi’s ward, everyone was disdainful and unwelcoming, and they were often sarcastic about Lee Hae-in’s shamelessness to marry Jin Yoon-ki. He also mentions that Yoon Hyun-woo and Shin Gyeong-min said, “Lee Hae-in is also a major reason for Jin Yoon-ki’s severing of ties with his family,” and another major reason is Jin Yang-chul’s disdain for Jin Yoon-ki’s founding of a film company, saying, “I can’t make money and I can’t help Soon-yang. How can I have a son like you?”
“This also implies that most of the marriages in this family were approved by Jin Yang-chul only if they were helpful to Soon-yang, and Jin Yang-chul’s approval was based on whether he could help Soon-yang (just as Jin Do-joon was approved by Jin Yang-chul after the group was formed). This is the principle of Jin Yang-chul). - Jin Yang-chul’s own fur and severity.
The fact that the sushi has to be wrapped in 280 pieces of rice to prevent the guests from eating too much too soon is an example of Jin Yang-chul’s attention to detail (this is really similar to Yoon Hyun-woo, if the audience remembers the first episode where Yoon Hyun-woo instructed Shin Gyeong-min about everything at the beginning of the show). (If viewers remember the first episode where Yoon Hyun-woo instructed Shin Gyeong-min about everything in the scene, they can tell that the writer-director used a clever way to echo the similarities between the two)
The character of Jin Yang-chul, played by Lee Seung-min, is indeed a character that one can love and hate at the same time. His sternness as a father is really alienating, but when he is the president of the entire group empire, one can feel that although he created the empire to make money, he himself does not forget that all the employees he has to support have families to support.
- Similarities between Jin Seong-joon and Jin Yang-chul.
In the first episode, Yoon Hyun-woo mentioned that after Jin Seong-joon was first severely reprimanded by Jin Yang-chul for not acting like an heir, Jin Seong-joon started to change himself and tried to be an heir by remembering Jin Yang-chul’s teachings. The story of Jin Seong-joon’s stubbornness has some similarities with Jin Yang-chul’s approach. The scriptwriter used the incident in which Jin Yang-chul learned that the Japanese semiconductor company in the United States was threatening his own industry as an echo of the first episode of Jin Seong-joon, in which Jin Yang-chul asked the New York branch to resign directly. The first time I read the newspaper, I found out about it. This is the same as when Jin Seong-joon told the head of the department, “You didn’t know about the incident or you had fantasies about the money and didn’t treat me as a superior.
The role after reborn is more attractive!

After watching the second episode, you can generally grasp the tone of the drama, “Reborn Rich” is a bit like “Again My Life”, a revenge drama, but with a more detailed pace and details. In the last scene, Yoon Hyun-woo said, “I was born as Jin Do-joon, not as a possession or a crossover, and not as a rebirth, but this life is a chance for me”.
“I found a reason to become family with those people, and that is you and Jin Hyung-joon, and Jin Do-joon too, and one day you will find that reason. The reason why Jin Yang-chul is willing to recognize Jin Do-joon as his grandson is that “Jin Do-joon is helpful to Soon-yang and can make money”. Therefore, the purpose of deliberately contacting Jin Yang-chul to make him trust himself is to get deeper into the family. The concept is very similar to Jin Do-joon’s theory of avoiding the fish in the pond, “strengthen yourself and then wait for the right time, the fish in the pond will be on the side of time”, so the piece of land that Jin Do-joon wants with Jin Yang-chul is probably to strengthen what you have and then confront it.
This episode is mainly about Jin Do-joon, but the actor who plays the child Jin Do-joon, “Kim Kang-hoon”, is really good at acting! The company’s main focus is on the development of a new product, which is a new product. I know everything, I know not the future, but the mind of my grandfather, you just take me as the last straw, you do not want an answer, but want someone to support you, cheer for you, all I know is this feeling of my grandfather”, I have seen the same rebirth drama “My Life Again”, compared to this drama, I think “Reborn Rich” has written the characters in a detailed way, the scriptwriter under the characters not only let the characters The show’s script is not only about rebirth, but also about exploring and digging deeper into the family secrets of the Soon-Yang Group and Jin Yang-chul, so the character of Jin Do-joon is very eye-catching from the very beginning, and it also brings a lot of flipping and tense scenes.
Reborn Rich” is a source of inspiration for real historical events
● The change of military government vs. democratic government in 1987
In the second episode, we talk about the era of alternation between military and democratic governments. In the 1980s, the whole situation in South Korea was that people were always against military dictatorship, so there were many waves of student movements in those years. The Gwangju incident took place in Gwangju and Jeollanam-do between May 18 and 27, 1980. One of the main triggers of this incident was the assassination of Park Chung-hee by his subordinates on October 26, 1979, which led to domestic unrest. From May 18 to 27, 1980, people took to the streets to protest for democracy. It was a good thing that Roh Tae-woo was elected president in 1987 (in the drama, that’s why Roh Tae-woo’s speeches were met with smoke bombs, because people’s perception of him was not good). In 1987, many citizens and social activists demonstrated and marched for months to demand a direct election of the president. The opposing camp, which had been fighting against Park Chung-hee and Chun Doo-woon for a long time, was split between Kim Dae-jung and Kim Young-sam, the two giants of democratization (that is, the breakup between the two giants mentioned in the drama), allowing Roh Tae-woo, who had not been a popular figure, to win the presidency, resulting in the strange scenario that the first elected president of post-democratization South Korea was a military man, and that the people hated the fact that former dictator Chun Doo-woon’s “comrade” became the president. In this drama, Jin Yang-chul provides the election funds for Roh Tae-woo to become the president).
● Korean aircraft crash
Although the date used in the drama is 1987/10/29, and the flight number is adapted “CAL828”, in the real event is Korean Air Flight 858 crash is an air disaster, terrorist attack occurred on November 29, 1987, the incident led to the death of 115 people (90 passengers + 20 crew members), the takeoff location is Baghdad Airport, the purpose of Korea (although the date of the crash cited in the drama is different, the number is not the same CAL828, but the elements are used in this air disaster, the drama Jin Yang-chul travel country match)
●The U.S.-Japan-Korea chip war and Jin Yang-chul’s obsession with chip semiconductors
In the plot, the chip-semiconductor war between the U.S. and Japan makes Korea unable to compete in the international arena because of the fish in the pond, which is the tone of the scriptwriter’s second episode of chip history. This timing echoes Korea’s stance in the U.S.-Japan chip war of waiting for the right time to turn around.
The U.S.-Japan chip war is largely attributed to the signing of the U.S.-Japan Semiconductor Agreement, which put the two countries in a loving relationship, and ended up in the middle because the agreement between the two sides was not really enforced fairly, and Japan’s semiconductor industry went into an abyss with a decreasing market share. So Reborn Rich is waiting for this opportunity (and why Jin Do-joon wants Jin Yang-chul to raise a big pond fish now, so that time is on the side of the pond fish).
After Japan’s chip and semiconductor market share declined, Korea’s DRAM industry took advantage of the opportunity to start, but it was still a small baby and had no presence in the global semiconductor industry. In the 1990s, however, Korea officially let Japan out of the market, and Korea gradually rose to prominence, so that in real history, then Samsung Group Chairman Lee Ken-hee seized the perfect opportunity of the Japan-US chip war and led Samsung Semiconductor to succeed in its comeback. Although the drama does not talk about Samsung, the character of Jin Yang-chul is very much like the president of Samsung~.
《 財閥家的小兒子 》延伸閱讀:
▶ 第1集劇情、推理分析、人物關係圖:這家有人是殺我的兇手( EP1 English)
▶ 第2集劇情、推理分析:我要找到成為家人的理由( EP2 English)
▶ 第3集劇情、推理分析:除非到終點,不然還不是結束( EP3 English)
▶ 第4集劇情、推理分析:我渴望的事物比這更加龐大( EP4 English)
▶ 第5集劇情、推理分析:導俊槓上陳養喆什麼才是正道經營?( EP5 English)
▶ 第6集劇情、推理分析:導俊心碎淚崩無法改變命運?( EP6 English)
▶ 第7集劇情、推理分析:背叛我的人,我絕不會原諒(EP7 English)
▶ 第8集劇情、推理分析:我最愛的孩子是誰難道你不知道嗎?
▶ 第9集劇情、5寓意解析:我連10塊都不會借給妳
▶ 第10集劇情、4寓意解析:只靠那五臟六腑是買不下順洋的
▶ 第11集劇情、解析:錢是世界上唯一完美的藝術品
▶ 第12集劇情、解析:我可是陳養喆,所有人都聽我的
▶ 第13集劇情、解析:世上有些事是不能為所欲為的
▶ 第14集劇情、解析:繼承財富的我,世襲貧窮的你
▶ 第15集劇情、解析:能改變世界的終究還是錢
▶ 結局第16集劇情、解析:有力量的人才能復仇