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Kdrama’Little Women’Episode 2 Recap&Review&Explained

The second episode of “Little Women” (작은 아씨들, Little Women), a weekend drama series broadcast by tvN in Korea from September 3, 2022, was created by director Kim Hee Won of “The Gangster Lawyer Mansonzo” and screenwriter Ding Seo Kyung (Korean: 정서경) of “Mother” and the movie “Determination to Break Up”. The second episode of “Little Women” also features a guest appearance by Song Joong-ki of “The Yakuza Lawyer Vincenzo”! His name is Park Joo-hyung, which is the same as his character’s name in “The Yakuza Lawyer Mansonzo”.

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💰 Episode 1 Recap&Review&Explained
💰 Episode 2 Recap&Review&Explained

Kdrama Little Women Episode 2 Recap

★In-ju immediately rebuked In-kyung for being different from his father, because In-kyung was hard-hearted and she would not watch In-kyung become addicted to alcohol, so she told In-kyung to say if he needed any help. In-hye went on to help Hyo-rin paint his portrait, a style that Hyo-rin liked, and In-hye said it was a kind of painting style, trying to present a kind of aristocratic atmosphere. In-ju didn’t know what to do with the money, so she took it to buy a bunch of buy-one-get-one-free ice-cream and thought that if she was so rich, she would never commit suicide, in other words, Jin Hwa-young wasn’t actually committing suicide?

★In-kyung went to Oh Hye-seok and told her that her work was affected by her drinking and that she did not want to be a journalist but to study economics and wanted to know why there are poor people and rich people in this world. Oh Hye-seok wants In-kyung to work in her office afterwards and will let In-kyung see what it takes to become rich in Korea. In-ju, in order to find out if Jin Hwa-young is a suicide insider, goes back to the company and offers to help with the case. Choi Do-il says that she needs In-ju to find out where Jin Hwa-young hides the money and books. Shin Hyun-min mocked In-ju and Jin Hwa-young for having several similarities, always buying cheap shoes to make themselves miserable, and sarcastic about In-ju buying a pair of good shoes when she gets paid.

★In-kyung wanted to talk to Kim Dasho’s nephew about the Kim Dasho Savings Bank case, but he was hung up on. In-ju is at Jin Hwa-young’s house, looking for clues as to why she died, when he thinks that Jin Hwa-young is the source of her death. In-ju said that receipts and books are the bible for accountants, and that this is the source of the problem, and that accountants need to look poor in order not to be gossiped about, so they need to have a bilocation. In-ju started to write down all the receipts to find out what Jin Hwa-young had missed on her birthday on 8/14.

★In-ju thinks that Jin Hwa-young may have another cell phone in Singapore because only one photo on the account is on this cell phone, and that Jin Hwa-young has been visiting Singapore once or twice a month. The company’s main goal is to provide a solution to the problem of the problem. In-kyung takes Jong-ho’s car to the fish market, and when In-kyung waits for Kim Chul-sung to show up, he doesn’t realize that the car accident he saw on the way is Kim Chul-sung, and that Jong-ho also found a blue orchid.

★In-ju went to the shoe store and found out that the velvet orchid shoes were bought by Shin Hyun-min, and also said that he was the only one who thoroughly understood the balance study of the feet, which means that the incestuous relationship mentioned by the team leader might be true. In-ju found out that Jin Hwa-young’s social media account has pictures of meals without receipts almost once a month. The person who was originally going to Switzerland was Shin Hyun-min (who was restricted by the prosecutor for illegal gambling in Macau, illegal foreign exchange speculation, and suspicion of embezzlement of public funds), but changed to Jin Hwa-young because of a change of circumstances, and the Swiss bank account had 18 codes that could not be carried immediately. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

★The last step is to kill Jin Hwa-young if all this is Shin Hyun-min’s plan, so even the suicide note is printed out is very suspicious, In-ju also found that Jin Hwa-young’s video camera and car recorder near the day of the murder are strangely erased or stolen. In-ju also found out that Jin Hwa-young was the one who reported Shin Hyun-min and himself for illegal activities, and there was a lot of evidence, even the way he died was the same as former accountant Yang Heung-sook, who died at home wearing red high heels. However, Choi Do-il refused to report to the police so that the 70 billion would be turned over to the national treasury and he was sure that Jin Hwa-young also wanted the 70 billion because they both thought that nothing in the world was more sacred than money.

★In-ju was in a bad mood when she bought a pair of makeup products and was reprimanded by In-kyung. In-ju started to bawl and cry, scaring In-kyung. In-ju was very frightened because she received red high heels from Shin Hyun-min and ran to Shin Hyun-min to theorize whether she was the next target, but accidentally learned that the first person to find out when Liang Heung-sook committed suicide was Jin Hwa-young, and said she would take over what Heung-sook had done and start this fat job, Shin Hyun-min said she was used by Jin Hwa-young instead. Shin Hyun-min said that he was being used by Jin Hwa-young and that Jin Hwa-young was able to go to Switzerland to take the 70 billion by reporting Shin Hyun-min, and Shin Hyun-min said that what Jin Hwa-young had gotten into was a very scary thing, and that Shin Hyun-min would go to the prosecutor’s office and tell everything, but he would not take everything alone, and that he had the secret money books for 25 years. He is also holding the secret money account for 25 years, but he didn’t realize that his car was tampered with and there was a blue orchid on it, so the car plunged into the building. On the other hand, In-hye’s portrait of Hyo-rin was taken by Hyo-rin to the competition and won a prize.

Little Women Episode 2 Review & Explained


“Spicy Radish” and “Alcohol Addiction

It is so heartbreaking to see the existence of these two things, “spicy radish” and “alcohol addiction”, at the beginning is really interesting and a clever idea of the scriptwriter. If you need anything, just say, I will help you all the way” I thought it was strange, why was In-kyung so angry with his emotions? In-ju’s resentment and anger towards her parents was the only thing left to them, an alcohol addiction mess and a cheap, hot carrot.

In-kyung is afraid that she will become an alcohol addict like her father and ruin the family. In-ju angrily says, “If you need anything, just tell me and I will help you”. Even though the spicy radish is delicious, it is ironic when compared to the two sisters’ state of mind because it is a memory of their taste buds that they cannot let go of, and the spicy radish is a lovable and hateful existence. This is why the two sisters say, “We must throw away these spicy radishes, because they are so delicious that they are infuriating.” So although the resentment toward their parents exists, the bond of their family is unbreakable, which is why it is even more infuriating.

Jin Hwa-young still alive?

In the last episode, there was always a feeling that Jin Hwa-young had faked his own death and taken off with the money. “Money is only a number in the eyes of an accountant, just like a patient’s body means to a doctor. It will look like you have no money but you are a gold-digger, so how can a company dare to give money to such a person? That’s why you need a bilocation”, which is very much like suggesting that Chen Huajing has a bilocation and is not actually dead.

“The only thing I can say for sure is that if I was really that rich, I would never have killed myself, so are you saying that you didn’t kill yourself? In this episode, Jin Hwa-young and In-ju are discussing in the restaurant. In-ju will only talk to Jin Hwa-young about these wishes, so I guess it’s either Jin Hwa-young committed suicide herself, or she knew that touching the money would bring danger and “killed herself”.

In-ju in this episode found many clues in Jin Hwa-young’s house, and these clues are very much like presenting Jin Hwa-young with a different identity, but if Jin Hwa-young died by fraud, then why wouldn’t the police find it when they examined the body or identified the deceased? Maybe the tattoo on the foot made In-ju think that it was Jin Hwa-young, and when the autopsy was done, he also thought that it was Jin Hwa-young because of the tattoo, and because Jin Hwa-young had plastic surgery the day before he died, maybe the plastic surgery was not Jin Hwa-young herself, or maybe there was no plastic surgery at all, but just left a record. So even if the body looks different from Jin Hwa-young, the police or other people will not notice the difference because they think Jin Hwa-young has plastic surgery and the deceased has a different look, and only recognize the tattoo on the foot to determine, so it also makes sense why the police did not find.

However, seeing this episode I think Jin Hwa-young still has a high chance of being dead, because the people who have blue orchids at the scene are dead, so Jin Hwa-young should not be a fraudulent death, but really “suicided”.

Shin Hyun-min is really related to Jin Hwa-young before, because the shoes that only three pairs of shoes in the whole country were sent by Shin Hyun-min, and it feels like Shin Hyun-min may know who is targeting Jin Hwa-young, so she will be so nervous when she sees the blue orchid. The orchid at Jin Hwa-young’s house was placed in a vase and not left on the road like Kim Chul-sung’s car accident. Therefore, it seems that this flower may be a sign that Jin Hwa-young knows her death date (it should be someone she knows and knows), so she keeps the flower and waits for her death date. This might explain why Jin Hwa-young knew she was going to die early and did a series of actions in the last episode as if she was enjoying the last days of her life, and gave money to In-ju and waited for her “suicide” (Jin Hwa-young waited for a week probably for Shin Hyun-min to be arrested, but it was too late).

The blue orchid has a connection between the 70 billion and the Park Jae-sang VS Savings Bank case that In-kyung is pursuing, because In-kyung was supposed to meet with Kim Chul-sung when Kim Chul-sung got into a car accident. The money is not only from the same source, but also from the money stolen from the orchid construction.

If Shin Hyun-min and Jin Hwa-young are really related, they are also co-operating with each other to embezzle public money, and Shin Hyun-min’s chosen office incestuous object is “the kind that wears cheap shoes”, besides hating those elite people, I myself feel that Shin Hyun-min is also taking advantage of these women wearing cheap clothes. The team leader said that In-ju is also one of Shin Hyun-min’s targets, and in the last episode, In-ju said that she wants to turn around and marry a rich man, so I think Shin Hyun-min is manipulating the hearts of these lower class women, using their desire to move up and turn around to help him cope with the outside world, which may echo Jin Hwa-young said, “How high can people at the bottom of society climb? This may echo Jin Hwa-young’s words, “How high can people climb?

She was also found dead in her house for a week and was suspected of embezzling public money.

//MIR 文中廣告

In this episode, Shin Hyun-min gave In-ju a pair of red high heels, although it seems to symbolize that In-ju is Shin Hyun-min’s next target ~ However, at the end of this episode, there is a hint that I think Shin Hyun-min is not the murderer who killed Jin Hwa-young, otherwise Shin Hyun-min would not have seen it! The reason for this is that Shin Hyun-min is likely to know who might be the murderer and the real murderer killed him in the end because Shin Hyun-min said he had 25 years of secret books in his hands.

Therefore, Shin Hyun-min’s crime may be suspected of embezzling public money through Liang Heung-sook and Jin Hwa-young in the case, but the 70 billion was really supposed to be taken by Shin Hyun-min, but then Jin Hwa-young interfered with it because it was Shin Hyun-min who went to Switzerland, but Jin Hwa-young used Shin Hyun-min to get the money. The reason is that Shin Hyun-min was the one who went to Switzerland, but Jin Hwa-young used some of Shin Hyun-min’s crimes to restrict him from leaving the country so that Jin Hwa-young could be sure to go to Switzerland and take the 70 billion. Shin Hyun-min said, “What Jin Hwa-young doesn’t know is that there are terrible things in the world, and someone is on top of that terrible thing”, which seems to imply that Jin Hwa-young’s taking of the 70 billion is not just a general thing, but the owner behind the blue orchid.

More about Kdrama ‘Little Women’ 
💰 Episode 1 Recap&Review&Explained
💰 Episode 2 Recap&Review&Explained